Our research aims to uncover the molecular mechanisms that allow microbial pathogens to cause disease. From this work, we strive to discover new antibiotics and develop innovative tools for biotechnological applications. Our efforts are highly interdisciplinary and collaboratively employ a range of methods, including structural biology (NMR, X-ray, and cryoEM), cellular, and -omics technologies.


Ongoing Research

Pilus Assembly in Bacterial Pathogens

Bacterial pathogens display virulence factors that enable them to adhere to host tissues, resist phagocytic killing, invade host cells and acquire essential nutrients. We are studying how bacteria synthesize and display two types of virulence factors: (i) pili, proteinaceous fibers that project from the bacterial cell surface to mediate adhesion, and (ii) Wall Teichoic Acids (WTAs), highly...

Host-Pathogen Interactions: Heme-Iron Acquisition

To successfully mount infections bacterial pathogens actively procure iron from their human host, which is extremely scarce because of nutritional immunity mechanisms. Hemoglobin within erythrocytes is an attractive source of iron, as it contains ~75-80% of the body’s total iron in the form of heme (iron-protoporphyrin IX). In ongoing research, we studying the molecular mechanisms used by Gram...

Chemical Biology: Antibiotic Discovery

The emergence of antibiotic resistance bacteria is significant health concern. Our goal is to discover new anti-infective agents that can be used to combat infections caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other multidrug resistant Gram-positive bacteria. Toward this objective, we are using high throughput screening approaches to identify small molecules that...

Lab News


08/24 Allen Takayesu won best poster at the Protein Society Meeting! 


07/24 Kylie Cheng was awarded a CMB Fellowship!  


06/24 Kylie Cheng joined the lab! Welcome!  


06/24 Andrew Goring was awarded a UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship!  


05/24 Nikki Cheung was awarded a UCLA Whitcome Fellowship!


08/23 Christine Minor was awarded a CMB Fellowship!  


07/23 Andrew Goring was awarded a UCLA Whitcome Fellowship!


05/23 Reece Pawlacyk joined our research group. Welcome!


08/22 Dr. Chris Sue was awarded his PhD in biochemistry! Congratulations!
